
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 18:29:24
我们人类还要等多少年才能飞出太阳系呢? 英语倒装两道题1.so___after she learned the good news that she could hardly fall asleep that night.A.excited the mother was B.was the mother excited C.the mother was eccited D.excited was the mother 些题为什么不可以选B...倒装不是 So carelessly ___that he almost killed himself A he drivesB he drove C does he drivesD Did he drive 英语倒装疑问一般倒装句都是主倒,从不倒的吗?若不是,请分情况分析下,谢谢!如果像not only …but also那要怎么判断哪边倒装呢? 英语中的倒装疑问1:the students have been told that under no conditions ---the mobile phone in class.a:may they use b:they may use c:they could use d:would they use这句应该选a、我有好几个问题、under no conditions为什么不是 看图写单词 看图,写单词, 是看图写单词 地球质量大约是月球的81倍,一个飞行器在地球于月球间,当地球对它们的引力和它们的引力大小相等时,这...地球质量大约是月球的81倍,一个飞行器在地球于月球间,当地球对它们的引力和它们 jim is tallest of the three brothers.保持原句意思 jim is than his brothers怎么改jim is _____than _____his brothers. 关于英语中语法的问题Was it because Jack came late for school _______ Mr.Smith got angry.为什么这个句子用他that,而不用why 英语中的语法主语,谓语,表语,宾语,宾语补足语,定语,状语,介词,系动词,情态动词,及物动词,不及物动词和行为动词各有哪些,举例说明(尽量多举些单词和句子)高悬赏!谢谢!先给三十悬赏,满 那个女人早已忘记你了 翻译 John paid for the meal yesterday evening句型转换It_______John________paid for the meal yesterday evening They had a meal the restaurant yesterday eveningThey had a meal ( 填空 )the restaurant yesterday eveningA at B on C for D under 1.At last it made them ( ).2.We had a ( ) meal yesterday evening.1.A.happilyB.quicklyC.friendly2.A.livelyB.likelyC.lovely We had a____ meal yesterday evening.A.lively B.likely C.lovely D.loveWe had a____ meal yesterday evening.A.lively B.likely C.lovely D.love 人类飞出太阳系要突破飞行器的什么 We need therefore toknow how much the climate can vary of its own accord in order to interpret withconfidence the extent to which recent changes are natural as opposed to beingthe result of human activities.这里的 of its own accord 意思貌似是 Once past the rituals,the grieving person moves through a complex grief process这里的 past the rituals 是不是 介词短语 作时间状语啊? 一点英文的语法问题Actually , I don't know what should I do 本来我写的是what I should do 但是细一想应该写成what should I do,这点语法问题在高中的时候学过,我只是感觉应该这么写,但是却不知道为什么, do does did的用法 请新翻译:心痛,要努力忘记你,忘记我们的一切回忆. 用发光二极管串联了15个进行发光.电源为3.7v手机锂电池 1000毫安.能否持续发光24小时?电阻忽略. 改同义句I think Tom is the youngest student 什么牌子衣柜好?用的人比较多的?想买个衣柜,不知现在是什么样式会好看些?什么样的牌子衣柜好呢? 美女爱衣橱的英文怎么写! i watched tv news yesterday evening对 tv news 划线提问 We watched a film (in the cinema ) yesterday evening.对划线部分提问 求助英语的一个语法问题这句话中的 of benefit是怎么回事呢 这种of用法有点忘记了The University's defence was that the results of research have been of benefit to the community as a whole through increased productivity and l 一个英文语法的问题That girl whose father is a professor of an university is sitting over there.这句用whose作为连词总觉得有哪里不对劲.whose一般拿来附属人的,有没其他连词表所有关系的 There were ten millimeters of rain yesterday.划线提问 划线划在millimeters 上面,怎么提问?