
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 20:19:54
i think it is difficult for chinese studes to lear english g_____横线填什么 高中理科生不懂英语可以考上大学么?我是高一新生.是一个英盲.英语对我来说不是现象中那么容易克服.英语入门不好.所以导致成了英盲. 英语作文我的宠物狗 英语作文~be aware of mental health10句左右~100字左右 mental retardtion这个词应如何在英语句子中使用写作要求是写“一位小男孩天生智障”,作文给出的提示词是mental retardtion,我想知道在上面那个句子中怎么用这个词. The arrival of silently waiting for death Waiting for the arrival of that A quiet waiting for the arrival of a smooth wedding 英语作文宠物狗 填动词The file wasn't very good.I __ it very much. I would like to use the rest of life for a person alwas happiness什么意思 我已经大学啦,但是对于英语我一点也不懂,该怎么学才能学到讲一流的英语真的很想讲一流的英语,可是一点耶不懂,该怎么办 《疯狂英语从ABC到英语口语》中山大学出版社.烦请各位有资源的可否发我一份,谢请留下地址 They showed the colonists how to fish in the ocean with big nets.同义句They ___ the colonists_____ _____ in the ocean with big nets 同义句转换how nice the pictures are! long与length的区别The book is 12cm and 5cm .a.long;width b.length;thick c.long;wide d.length;width是B还是C为什么 英语翻译这句话怎么翻译好?另外AS 在里面当什么讲呢? 英语翻译isyour stereotype of a person with a mental disorder that of a homeless person,sleeping on the streets,carting around possessions in a stolen grocery cart? it can balance a person's nutritional intake and help to control overweight的翻译 Hobbies mainly for relaxation and enjoyment vary from person to person.Hobbies mainly ____ for relaxation and enjoyment vary from person,to personA.pursuing B.pursued C.being pursued D.having pursued这句话意思?为什么不选C.C也是被动啊 it is in the east of shanghai and ()the huangpu river A far B close C near D next 英语翻译:我希望自己三年后能考上大学 The cat has a fish in _______ mouth..it its it’s The rest of the fish -----by the cat at arm's Customers and suppliers must be dealt with fairly and at arm’s length.前半句懂,请详细解释后半句意思,整句意思我懂,是强调平等交易。但是我想知道的更确切,为什么要用at arm's length来加以强调 "an arm's length transaction"是什么意思? 请问arm's length funds 英语翻译37、姜从树生楚人有生而不识姜者,曰:“此从树上结成.”或曰:“从土里生成.”其人固执己见,曰:“请与子以十人为质,以所乘驴为赌.”已而遍问十人,皆曰:“土里出也.”其人哑 英语翻译1、不能《称》前时之闻:()2、日《扳》仲永环揭于邑人:()3、《泯然》众人矣:()4、课文开头写了方仲永的身世,意在突出什么?5、”父利其然也,日扳仲永环丐于邑人,不使 long=in length 那away有没有in+名词的形式? 求关于描写风格的优美段落 老师布置的作业 可以是方方面面的 语句要优美 change 与 changes都作为名词时有什么区别?