
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 14:04:32
已知函数y=f(x)的定义域为R,且对任意a,b∈∈R都有f(a+b)=f(a)+f(b),且当x>0时f﹙x﹚<0恒成立,证明筱枫wxj | 2011-10-07证明∶函数y=f﹙x﹚是R上的减函数请问要先证明奇函数吗 数学高手进,满意加20分,谢谢绝对值喂9/4的数为【 】绝对值最小的数为【 】最大的负整数是【 】 最小的正数是【 】如果一个数的绝对值等于这个数的相反数,那么这个数是【 】 有一列数A,A2,A3……,An,从第二个数开始,每个数等于1与它前面那个数的倒数的差,若A=2分之1,则2012( ).ABC是非零有理数,求a\|a|+b\|b|+c\|c|的值. Cn=(3n-1)*2*3^-n (注:后面那个是指3的负n次方)求Cn的前n项和. 数学高手进!急求!追加20分!游泳池的一周由4排柳树围成一个中空方阵,最里层的一周共有64棵柳树,最外层的一周共有多少棵柳树?柳树方阵中共有多少棵柳树? 百分之90,1,4分之5,百分之110,0.7,( ),( ),( ),...1分之2,百分之140,第一个是填分数第二个是填百分数第三个是填小数.最后还要写:规律是: 90%,1,4/5,110%,0.7,( ),( ),( ),1/2,140%. 列式计算.六年级的题!1、一个数的50%是24,这个数的15%是多少?2、一个数的35.5%与它的20%的和是44.4,求这个数.3、3分之2的37.5%减去4分之1的40%,差是多少?4、3分之1与4分之1的和除2.8与25%的积,商是多 数位顺序表,从右边数起,第一位是( ),第二位是( ),第三位是( ),第四位是( ),第五位是( ),表示多少个( ).按照正常的思路就行了,不用把它复杂化. 列式计算 .怎做? 先找规律,再填数.1.19,16,( ),( ),7,4,42.1,4,9,( ),( ),( ),493.81,64,( ),( ),25,16 六年级列式计算(题目及答案) 1.8分之7与4分之3的差除12.5的40%,商是多少?2.一个数的3分之1比它的5分之2少0.3,这个数的9分之7是多少? 57页72.John like Chinese but he is not good at it .----------.A.so is Mary B.so does Mary C..so it is with Mary D.so it does with Mary 为什么不选B应该选什么答案 Li ping is good at Chinese.His math is poor,and he is working hard at it.He likes English.汉语Classes are over at four in the afternoon.Then the students have an hour for sports.汉语 Zhao Min is a Chinese girl.She is 13 years old.She is a good student.Zhao Min likes English very much.She has learnt it for five years.She thinks it is an interesting language/Children,s Day,June1st,is Zhao Min,s birthday.She wants to hame a birthday John is good at Chinese.Lin Tao is better than John.(把两句合并为一句)John is not _ _ at Chinese _ Lin Tao. He knows little Chinese but he likes reading Chinese books.(改为同义句)___________________________________________________________ 已知函数f(x)=│x^2-2x│-a有四个零点,则a的取值范围? Is your uncle coming by train?He should,but he ___ not.He likes driving his car.A.must B.can C.may D.need该选哪个? --is John coming by train?--he should,but he****not .he likes driving his car.can与may的区别及用法 Is John coming by train? he should ,but he ___not.he likes diving his car.A,must B,can C,may D,should 并加上理由,谢谢 翻译句子:Is Simon coming by train? He should, but he may not. He likes driving his car. 用配方法证明代数式3x的平方-2x+4=0的值不小于11/3 A: Is Jim coming by train ?B: He should,but he --- not.he likes driving his car.A.can B.may C.must D need 一元二次不等式组x的2次方+2x-35>0(x-2)的绝对值 一元二次不等式(组)不等式(x-2)/(x+2)≤0的解集是什么?要过程``````我也算的是-2 一元二次不等式及不等式组当m取任何实数时,不等式x^2-(m^2+2m-5)x+(m-3)(m^2+m-2) she likes sichuan food very much对very much提问 The baby likes — very much when his mother kisses himA it B that C one D thisThe girl from Shanghai has won three gold medals so far——the first changed her fate.A of that B which C that D of whichDo you have any idea__it was that made him absen John doesn't likes mosic very much .A So do I .B .Neither do I.C .So it is with me .D .So will I.选那个? John likes playing soccer very much and he___aboyt one hour playing it every day.A.spent B.will spend C.has spent D.spends