
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 16:43:29
Mary offered to keep an eye ___ the baby while I was away.选项:a、atb、forc、ind、on 什么是不及物动词, 我说的不及物动词时什么概念啊? I can't eat all of this.- I'll finish it___A.later onB.lately我选的是B,是错误的。为什么错?答案A为什么是对的? I can ask Ben for h____ Iˊm fine改成一般疑问句怎么改还有否定回答 _____(hope) ,they can finish the work on time 仿写,例:它们仿佛一个个红色的火焰,又像黄昏夕阳里红色的彩霞,也像鲜血一样的颜色,惹人怜爱,触人爱意 IgE is bound to mast cells. 谁能帮我翻译下!?. 英语改错and gave me some money and then said,my son now the没办法书上是这样啊,算了吧还是自己看, 威海太阳什么季节升的高一些 杜甫塑造的王昭君形象是怎样的? 杜甫对王昭君怨恨用意是什么? believe in yourself be sure to If I fail,if I succeed,at least I live as I believe!中文意思 地理1.一年之中,当地每天正午太阳升得一样高么?如果不一样,什么季节高些,什么季节低些呢? let ,us ,so,get,,some,chicken,l连词成句... I feel terrible中什么是谓语?School Is over.Let’s go home.My pen is in my bag.I feel terrible.I fell tried all the time.He seemed rather tired last night.这些句子中哪些是谓语,用下划线画出来. How to speak English well?I mean speak it fluently? The best ____ to find a good job is speak English well.A way B road C question D problem Where ______ the students often play baskedeballs.空格理该填什么? If you hold your _______(breathe) for a while , you will feel terrible . feel terrible.和 feel bad.的区别 Something terrible is going to happne. I can feel it in my bones.中文意思要翻译成中文的 否定句改为祈使句You can't take your comeputer game to school. 和 You can't talk in the library.帮忙改成祈使句 最好还可以解释一下为什么谢谢了啊~~~~~~~~~~~ 祈使句改为否定句 1.作者用了两个比喻句来写小艇的样子.第一个比喻把小艇比作(),写出了小艇的()特点; 威尼斯的小艇第二自然段在描写小艇样子时,运用了两个比喻句,写得活灵活现.请你仿写这种写法,描写一中你威尼斯的小艇课文.威尼斯是世界闻名的水上城市,河道纵横交叉,小艇成了主要的交 he quickly walks to the note and picks it up为什么 不是he walks to the note quickly and picks it up呢还有就是 形容词 名词 动词 副词 后接什么词 前接什么词 初二英语 I feel terrible.同义句转化 I am__very____.速度啊 He quickiy walks to the note and picks it up 它不是一般疑问句,动词为啥加s我花这么多分,怎么没人回答 I'm feeling terrible 同义句 2个