
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 23:02:14
根据要求写词语(每个后面写两个)与商品经济有关的:下海,大腕,大款,( ),( ).与房地产有关的:楼盘,期房,现房,( )( ).与网络有关的:宽贷,网民,( ),( ).与追星有关的: “今子之说,足以动寡人之心,又不危加诸寡人,故吾将用子之谏.”的翻译 “今急而求子,是寡人之过也”中的今什么意思 1001 VIDEO GAMES YOU MUST PLAY BEFORE YOU DIE怎么样 --Linda,please____how to get there and the cost of the trip.--All right.I'll make it at once.A.work out B.find out.老师说选A,可是我们觉得B也可以啊.最好能再讲一下它们的区别. are watered once flowers week these a 连词成句 Please see that these parcels are sent off at once.请帮我翻译一下 请帮我看看问题补充中的英语题目选择以下答案的原因,(c)1.his trousers are ____ out.he will buy a new ____.A.wearing,one B.wore,pair C.worn,pair D.worn,one2.people there are employed ___seasonally___.(season)3.when i walked past h Who was it _____ came to my office this afternoon?A.that B.who 为什么选择A,这个是个什么句型?如果是强调,是强调人,一个是B啊? ()joe has worked in this office since he came to shanghai.(划线提问) 划:since he came to shanghai I don't know what exactly it is.这句话对吗?exactly 应放在什么位置? I was out of town at the time ,so I don't know exactly how it _______.为什么用 happened 而不是 has happened?现在完成时不能用在过去吗 我一直没有弄清楚! 请详细告诉我一下 谢谢了 短小的唐诗宋词老师让抄30首唐诗宋词,求短小的!冷门一点的.别找小学生课本上的那种谁都知道的、偷懒的样子太明显了! 求简短些的唐诗宋词适合五年级 唐诗宋词(要短)各5首...短些..最好不要太长 很短的唐诗宋词如题,好背的唐诗宋词各十首, 星星永远是星星吗? 敬业与乐业 分段 刮奖怎么永远是哭的星星 英语翻译yes,most of them.most Chinese people disconnect right away when they find out you're not Chinese...:-( right now right away right out 不懂就不要乱回答. you are right 原题是How was your final exam?--( )B:You are right away.C I am not sure.这个题的答案选C,我选对了,只是想知道B到底是什么意思。 start out right away,___ you will miss train.A.and B.but C.or D.while 三峡这篇文章的意思 英语翻译不要直译,主要是意思达到!翻译的好的追加50分! 英语翻译 帮忙翻译以下“锲而不舍的敬业精神、孜孜不倦的事业追求”成英语? “让我轻轻的告诉你,天上的星星在等待……”歌 歌词中有1,2,3,与天上的星星眨呀眨的歌叫什么名字是一个女生唱的,是国语的…… My friend took my dictionary away ______ ______ me根据汉语填句子本句意思:我的朋友没告诉我就把我的字典拿走了 find my friends 互相要开网吗 she told me they were( )parents for,with,to还是of