
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 03:09:39
发生在17,18世纪英法美三国的革命具有资产阶级性质的主要依据是什么 Who always goes to bed write his shoes on? who always go to bed with his shoes on?which letter goes around Australia?两道英语智力题 What always goes on bed with his shoes on?中文是什麼意思? 英语翻译Due and legal service of the Complaint for Annulment of Marriage is hereby acknowledged and copy received.All other and further service and process of said documents are hereby waived.This ____day of_______ What always goes to bed with his shoes oWhat always goes to bed with his shoes on?猜谜语 上面一个奴隶的奴 下面一个毛巾的巾是什么字 上面一个奴下面一个巾是什么字,意思是什么? 奴隶的“奴”字,下面加一个“巾”字,组合成的是什么字?2.怎样拼写?-------- —It's very kind of you to come and see me off.A.It' my pieasure.B.Much better.C.Don't mention it.D.No problem. It very kind _____ you to tell me the solution ____ the problemA.of;ofB.of;toC.for;ofD.for;to People who sleep ___ six hours a day.是填fewer than还是less than less hours 还是 fewer hours 哪个是正确的? 我和你变成我们.用英文怎么翻译最好? at the snack bar怎么读 at+the+snack+bar中为什么用at不用in 上日下咎这个字念什么?今天看到“x观”这个词组(x代表上日下咎这个字),什么含义? on与动词构成短语的搭配规律(急需)最好具体一些!thanks a lot! 动词+ON构成的短语,动词+ON构成的短语越全越好,最好有例句,没有也无所谓了…… I have to come during the week since I teach on the weekends是什么意思? Ww have p__during the festival. During the past week,I have spent more than eleven hours on my homework.(mo built on这个短语是什么词性的短语?还有就是这里built还是动词性?on还是介词? 用happen造句 If u happen___________ 造句.意思是 happen to see 造句要写中文,一句,简短 sth happen 怎么造句? 英语翻译一般现在时还是现在进行时? tell me a lie 歌词及翻译 英语翻译答案不是他们对男孩撒谎. sandy sleep less than 9 hours every day 对 less than 提问( )( )( )( )sandy( )every day he draw_ _very well =he can't draw very well