
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 01:25:53
直线l1:y=x与双曲线y=k/x相交于A(a,2),将直线l1向上平移3个单位得到l2,直线l2与双曲线相交于BC两点,点B在第一象限,交y轴于D点.(1)求双曲线y=k/x的解析式.(2)求tan角DOB的值 笼子里有若干只鸡和兔.从上面数,有36个头,下面有100之脚.鸡和兔各有多少只2.( )弱冠之年 而立之年 不惑之年 甲数=axb,乙数=a×c(a、b、c为不同的质数),甲乙两数的最大公因数是( ) 已知方程x2/(2-k) +y2/(k-1)=1表示双曲线,则k的取值范围是k<1或k>2,为何用(2-k)(k-1)<0求不出答案知道快说下,我的为什么不行? 已知曲线方程为x2/9-k +y2/k-4=1.当曲线为双曲线时,k的取值 古代罗马为什么会丛一个小城邦发展为地跨欧、亚非三洲的大国内容要丰富,至少500字 古罗马为什么会从一个小城邦发展为地跨欧亚非的大国是什么原因造成的 罗马法为什么会从一个小城邦发展为地跨欧亚非三洲的大国? 用"理想"造句子拜托各位了 3Q理想是( ),(). 一共造五个 气喘吁吁 用英语怎么说?还有 ,闻鸡起舞, 数学.已知a是第三象限角,则a/3是第几象限角 帮忙解决一些数学题 跑错电影院了致使电影没看成用英语怎么说 勤奋是你生命的密码,能译出你一部壮丽的史诗. 束河鼓声的阅读的答案 碧蓝碧蓝照样字写词语? 用严字组词语填空( )的结构( )的精神( )的队伍形势( )格律( )挑者满满的一担水,走在林中的石板路上,我泼洒了多少珍珠啊!(仿写句子):________________________________郁闷,还没人回答, 英语翻译Give me an umbrella ,so that the follows me .My daily entry in the daily is all written inside that wet unbrella .Make her existence felt .One person can only have one appearance . 安塞听鼓声 霍竹山 名校课堂七年级下 安塞听鼓声的阅读答案! 安塞听鼓声点评下午五点之前啊!要自己写的啊! 在安塞听腰鼓 ①在刚刚过去的国庆盛典上,一群陕北汉子打着腰鼓走过天安门广场的镜头,一定还让观众们记忆犹新.这就是闻名遐迩的安塞腰鼓.要说起安塞腰鼓来,故事就多了,一代一代的安塞 什么叫游牧生活 游牧对草原的意义拜托各位了 3Q 谁帮我解决一些数学题(1).(-6)-(-3)X三分之一 (2).(-1)X(-8)+3X(-2)(3).0.1X(-0.001)X(-1)(4).(负六分之五)X2.4X五分之三(5).1+0X(-1)-(-1)X(-1)-(-1)X0X(-1)(6).(-7)X25X(-3)X(-4)(7).(-10)X(-8.24)X(-0.1)(8).(负四又二十分之一)X1. 一些英语问题,越快越好1、Henery killed the dog.I"ll ask him why _D__ A did he do that B he did that C he did D he hans done so2 I am sure__D__he said is true.A that B about that C of that D that what3 Mary is __C__ someone might recognize h 1.a modern city has sprung up in __was a wasteland ten years ago.a.whichb.whatc.thatd.where2.the new secretary is responsible and hard-working,__her predecessor was not.a.whatb.whichc.whod.whom3.there is some evidence __dishonesty may ebb and flow.a. 鹳读什么字 1For the past four years,he has served as the powerful (chiefly) of the nationalintelligence service2 (establishment) practices are difficult to change3 His (popular) among the working people remains as strong as ever4 we must help the (survive)另 Can you tell me when (it's that) the 2008 Olympic Game will be held in Beijing.括号内的为什么不是is it that?It is pleasant to sit here.It's pleasant sitting here.这两句哪个正确?若都正确,I'd rather you did some housework when you a 求歌曲the day 的中文歌词,歌手moby唱的很喜欢moby的the day这首歌,网上找的都是英文歌词,谁能翻译成中文? 越详细越好,否则没分)1.whether or not you like some kind of modern hair style is a matter of( ) A.manner B.taste C.habit D.custom2.-May I know when the train will arrival?-The train ( ) be here any minute but you never know.A.must B.should